Our Mission

Sub Rosa Press is an emergence of ungovernable women birthing a cosmology that honors and reclaims the soul of The Mother. The works we publish weave a remembrance of our cyclical, archetypal nature with an intuitive exploration of birth, death, and regeneration. Love leads us forward on this trail of co-creation, and it is with full trust that we present varied, curated forms of beauty to our readership.

Meeting sub rosa, under the rose, was once considered a vow to honor the sanctity of mystery teachings. The rose was an ancient talisman of love, and the exchange of the rose symbolized an oath made to keep the shared secrets and mysteries with pure, loving intention. In reclaiming sub rosa as an ethos to hold paramount, we at Sub Rosa Press choose to participate in sacred storytelling with integrity and a deep reverence for our role in caretaking the holiness of The Mother—the ultimate creator and the original matrix; the womb from whence we come. 

At Sub Rosa, we welcome the contributions of storytellers, refugees, lovers, dreamers, outcasts, and all who embody what the human animal once was and what she is now becoming. The stories we intentionally uplift are evocative morsels to ruminate on; tender bites of lush truth met with sips of honied yearning. Like a lighthouse in the midst of an ocean, they flood us with the rays of remembrance, and they remind us to heed the hedge of thorns protecting the realms of mystery that women traverse daily. The stories of Sub Rosa are more than words on paper; they are lifelines that serve to connect all women in sisterhood, and to strengthen our dreamweaving during times of illusion. 

Sub Rosa Press refines and elevates the raw secrets, mysteries, and stories of women through our multi-stage, earth-honoring creative cycle that includes editing, design, publishing, and marketing. We bring form to the ethereal, and share it with the world before us in the interest of reclaiming our birthright to thrive as women, and as creators and lovers of beauty. Through our craft, we exalt womanhood and motherhood to the fullest—and we do so without hesitation.

We invite you to join us
under the rose.